Strategies to protect my device from hack


                                                                        Here a simple measure you can take to secure you device from hack.   


Ways your device can be hacked.

1).  Through public Wi-Fi connection.

2). Through file sharing, through uknown file  download & Bluetooth I.e sharing spy wares.

3). Through app download and installation  without knowing you are downloading control viruses.

4). Through clicks on site download of  viruse

5). By using USB or memory card on public computers.

All these can be used to manipulate your device from a distance


            If you are using  public wifi connection you are living and exposing your device to hack  because wifi work on both end that is two or more device and connected to each other giving a path or link for your device to be hacked from a distance . So try as much as possible to avoid public wifi connection since free internet is tempting.   


     2) BLUETOOTH FILE SHARING                   

    Sharing file, music and games is part of life style  but it comes with a risk of geting viruses and hiden manipulation software to hack your device.

So always know the person before recieving file and alway check you device for viruses with anti viruse software.


3). THROUGH APP DOWNLOAD ON                           THE INTERNET.     

               Downloading app on the internet can be used  to hack you device because some app could be program to manipulate  you device from a distance so before downloading any app always check out other people reviews and before app installation your device would display a list of what the app can acces  and the functionality on your device is listed like these app can access call,camara, phone book e.t.c. These is an example of what these app can access .Some times a malicious app more than ten functionality.

4) If you see  these app can access your google account  or can manually control your device then dont install untill you do research and review about the app.Your device will always warn you after installation incase the app is harmful.


      Your device can be hacked through encrypted website or download of file on website that are malicious .  Inserting your usb  on public computer is a risk due to viruses.

  •                                                                        If you have a computer  or laptop . then protecte your computer device using firewall.Firewall is a program that protect computer system from geting hacked or access through the internet.An example of a free firewall is firewall Comodo .Make sure you backup your computer befor installing firewall.Go to fire wall oficial page to see   setting and installation procedue.                                                                 Always update your device app and games when update are avialable.                                                                  Download anti-virus software and scan your device for viruses if found use the software to remove the virus.                                                                                   Create strong password on you device  when creating an account using alpha and numerical value.Change your account password atlist one's a year to prevent hack into your account.                                                                                      Dont download any type of software or app since some app could contain viruses or hack links to control you device.Always check reviews on apps or software before downloading.                                                                                                  Avoide connecting your device to open or public network because it could be used as breach to hack you device.                                                                                                                              Dont just click on suspected link  send to you through messages, gmail address, whatshap, imo or any other  app  becuase it can be used as a breach to access you device.                                                                                                               Always check your memory card for viruses when ever you insert your memory card or flash on  another person computer or after download.                                                                      Lastly use hardware specialy design to prevent hack in you home.You can google  search the latest  hacking prevention device online and buy.

Beware of google warning on your device.when browsing  look at your browser for padlock crossed by a red line or red symbols  and pop up warning.


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