Here is a list of USSD codes for various services by the telecom company MTN in Cameroon
Here is a list of USSD codes for various services provided by the telecom company MTN in Cameroon:
- Know your phone number: *170*0#
- Access portal to services: *123#
- Check main balance: *155#
- Check bonus credit: *159*2#
- Check internet balance: *147*9# and *157*99#
- Transfer credit: *150*Amount*Number*Me2U code#
- Recharge via credit card: *156*card number#
- Send a Me2U request: *166*number#
- Subscribe to SMS pack: *148#
- MTN Mobile Money: *126#
- Borrow credit: *121*Amount#
- Check borrowed credit balance: *159*86#
- Add preferred number: *165*1*Number to add#
- Remove preferred number: *165*2*Number to remove#
- Add magic number: *164*1*Number to add#
- Remove magic number: *164*2*Number to remove#
- Subscribe to mobile internet package: *123*4*2# or *147# or *157#
- Check internet balance: *157*99#
- Subscribe to WhatsApp package: *701#
- Check bonus SMS: *159*3#
- Activate EasyBooster: *167*1#
- Deactivate EasyBooster: *167*0#
- Check EasyBooster balance: *159*80#
- Activate MTN Go (1F/s flat rate): 190*1#
- Join MTN Extra: *122#
- MTN Yamo: *220#
- MTN Wanda packages: *123*11#
- MTN Go plans: *123*12#
- International call packages: *123*13#
- MTN Mobile Money bonus (purchasing credit, paying bills, depositing): *159*123#, *159*27# and *159*91#
- Check bonus call balance: *159*2#
- Check bonus SMS balance: *159*3#
- MTN Play: *128#
- Subscribe to MTN Zik: *146# or 8706
- Unsubscribe from MTN Zik: Send 'Deregister' by SMS to 8706
- MTN Rewards: *179#
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